Mount Elgon National Park is a scenic Uganda national park located in Eastern region of Uganda near Mbale City and is divided into two regions/parts, the Uganda park and Kenya park. The park stretches along the borders of Uganda and Kenya around Mount Elgon – an extinct Volcano standing at the height of 4,321 meters high with Wagagai as its highest peak.

Several years ago, Mount Elgon stood as the highest volcano in Africa higher than Mount Kilimanjaro, its present height is as a result of constant erosion. The volcano was formed as a result of eruption and it first erupted over 24 years ago, Mount Elgon covers an area of 50X80 kilometer area which is the biggest surface area of all extinct volcanoes on the planet.

Mount Elgon with its highest peak at 4,321 meters is the 4th highest mountain in East Africa, this peak is found in Uganda. Additionally, the volcano has a collapsed crater caldera that covers more than 40 kilometers at the summit and is the largest known natural crater. The crater is bordered by a number of rocky peaks. 

The higher slopes of Mount Elgon are protected by Mount Elgon National Parks in Uganda and Kenya creating an extensive transboundary conservation area that has been declared a UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve. 

Mount Elgon National Park covers an area of 494 square miles, a larger part of the park is on the Ugandan side of the border. This section was elevated from a forest reserve into a national park in 1992. 

Mount Elgon is one of the best Mount climbing destinations in Uganda, climbing Mount Elgon takes you through the deserted moorlands unveiling a magnificent and uncluttered wilderness without the summit – oriented approach which is common to many mountains. Reaching the top of Mount Elgon is not the final ascent to the 4,321 m Wagagai Peak but the descent into the vast 40 square kilometers calderas.

Flora and Fauna in Mount Elgon National Park 

Mount Elgon is an enormous watershed with its slopes supporting a rich diversity of altitudinal vegetation areas that range from the lush Montana, the mixed bamboo – belt forest to the intriguing high open moorland, dotted with the uncommon worldly plant species such as the large lobelia plus the groundsel plants unusual to Africa. The thick shrubs and luminous wild eternal flowers are another attraction in the park. 

Mount Elgon National Park is home to over 400 species of plants, 143 bird species and various species of butterflies with the Maathai’s Lonleg drangonfly was discovered in 2000. 

The lower slopes of Mount Elgon’s bamboo forests are home to various mammal species like black-and-white colobus Monkeys, blue monkeys, buffalos, elephants, red-tailed monkeys, spotted hyena, Oribi, Defassa waterbuck, Bushbucks and smaller antelopes among others. 

The Native People of Mount Elgon 

The slopes of Mount Elgon are home to the Bagishu and the Sabiny, these people are subsistence farmers and they conduct circumcision ceremonies to initiate young boys into adulthood. Travelers to Mount Elgon will get the opportunity to enjoy local dances and songs as well as participate in the circumcision ceremonies and get a glimpse of the local circumcision techniques which is a memorable Uganda adventure. 

Things to do in Mount Elgon National Park


Mount Elgon hiking is a remarkable activity in Mount Elgon National Park, there are several hiking trails that are accessible throughout the year and they require no specialist climbing equipment. 

Mount Elgon’s hiking trails are less congested compared to other hiking trails in East Africa thus allowing climbers to enjoy its stunning scenery with any distractions, there are 3 main hiking trails on Mount Elgon which vary in length and difficulty. 

These hiking trails include 

Sasa Trai – this is the shortest but most challenging trail, this is the original route to Wagagai – Mount Elgon’s peak and it begins in the town of Budadiri in the Eastern Region of Uganda at an altitude of 1,250m. 

The Piswa Trail – this a less strenuous but longer trail covering 49 kilometers and can be hiked in 7 days, this trail begins at the village of Kapkwata on the northside of the Mountain at an altitude of 2,190m.  this trail is famously known for its breathtaking views of Uganda’s Karamoja plains, the Kapeguria plains of Kenya and Nandi Hills. 

The Sip Trail – the longest trail covering 56 kilometers taking around 4-6 days to complete, the trail begins at the Kapkwai Forest Exploration Centre and just few kilometers from Sipi Falls which one of the highlights on this section through Tatum Cave famous for its ancient cave paintings.

Bird watching 

Mount Egon National Park is home to over 300 species of birds and has been recognized as an Important Bird Area (IBA), the park is haven for bird enthusiasts. During birding experience, some of the birds to lookout for include the rare species like the endangered lammergeier, the Moorland Francolin, Moustached Green Tinkerbird and the famous Alpine Chat, Jackson's Francolin and Black-collared Apalis among others. 

Mountain Biking  

This amazing experience was introduced in 2012 by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, bikes can be rented from Sipi River Lodge. A one-and-a-half-hour trail runs from Sipi Trading Centre at an altitude of 1,775 kilometers to Chema Hill in Kapchorwa. 

Day light hikes 

Day light hikes in Mount Elgon National Park are done on shorter trails which are only 3-7 kilometers, these trails were open by The Forest Exploration Centre and they are 3 trails, these trails are perfect for less experienced hikers and for travelers who want to experience Mount Elgon’s beautiful scenery and wildlife in a short period of time. 

When to Visit Mount Elgon National Park 

Mount Elgon National Park’s lower conditions are in good condition all year round although the best time for hiking is during the drier months from June to August as well as from December to March.

Getting to Mount Elgon National Park 

Mount Elgon National Park is located along the border of Uganda and Kenya, from Kampala city where most Uganda safaris start from. It is a drive of 240 kilometers eastwards, it is a drive of approximately 3 to 4 hours. 

The first leg is on a tarmac road that runs through Jinja to Mbale, a city in the Eastern Region of Uganda, the road then climbs to Kapchorwa on Mount Elgon’s north-western side.

The second leg of the journey is on dirt roads that lead off the Mbale Kapchorwa road to reach the various trailheads. 

Accommodation in Mount Elgon National Park 

There are several accommodation facilities at Mount Elgon National Park where you can stay, these include

Sipi River Lodge 

Mount Elgon Hotel and Spa 

Kapkwai Cottages